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   PHP Tutorial

PHP  tutorials l with Examples
Simple PHP and MySQL tutorial with examples like creating a guestbook, uploading image to database and creating simple content management system (CMS).
PHP tutorial
Learn how to create sites and scripts using PHP, one of the easiest to learn and use scripting languages
Learn how to use PHP to interact with the free MySQL to make fully dynamic and database-driven sites.
A PHP tutorial that covers all the basics of PHP. It is geared towards web developers with little or no PHP experience.
This tutorial is designed for students in Web Development classes at Macon State College. It assumes that the student already has familiarity with the eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML), basic programming skills, and with the rudiments of database design and Structured Query Language (SQL). Example scripts run under PHP 5, Apache 2 or IIS 6.0, and Microsoft Windows 2003 Server. XHTML output displays properly under current versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
This PHP Tutorial Series starts with an introduction to PHP.
This tutorial is aimed at users who have no previous experience with programming in PHP or any other programming language.
Webmonkey's 3-lesson tutorial explains how to create data-driven sites using MySQL and PHP.
Cool Features using PHP
Learn and Code in PHP
PHP in a Nutshell takes the core topics covered here, adds in thousands of edits from the editorial team and author
The best way to learn PHP -through this course you can learn to program in PHP little by little, follow the tutorial and you will see how easy it is.
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